For any freight forwarder or customs broker member of one of the 5 local associations of the
PCC - Pacific Coast Council of Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders
If there was ever a time for brokers and forwarders to come to DC, it's this spring!
Tariffs like never before –uncertainty abounds!
US Customs & Border Protection - Meet the new leadership.
immigration enforcement, like never before – most definitely impacting cross border trade and transportation.
Forced Labor import enforcement – expanding
De minimis on the chopping block?
Administration and Congress - taking steps to bring manufacturing “home” from Asia
Trade disputes with our closest partners on this hemisphere, Asia and Europe: EU
Is rewriting the USMCA in the offing?
Bringing eCommerce logistics jobs home -- 321 entries via US Foreign Trade Zones, instead of Canada and Mexico?
Longshore strike threat to shut down US east and Gulf Coast ports
Ocean Shipping Reform Act - FMC with major Rulemakings?
Meet the Commissioners.
Detention/Demurrage: it’s still being charged to brokers, illegaly.
A Day on The Hill
What the Mission does for you. The PCC Mission means customs brokers and freight forwarders on the Pacific Coast can interact directly with government officials and Congress to hear first-hand what is really going on in DC, without the filter of cable news ‘talking heads’. Many brokers and forwarders say that the PCC Mission are three of the most worthwhile and memorable days of the year. (Plus, the Mission is worth NCBFFA credits).
We will be back at the Phoenix Park Hotel, right on top of the famous Dubliner Irish Pub.
Click here to book your hotel room in our discounted PCC Mission hotel room block at the Phoenix Park. ($320.72/night including all taxes and fees).
Program Overview
Saturday night. Welcome to DC! Located at Friedmann’s rooftop overlooking Pennsylvania Ave. and the US Capitol
Sunday morning PCC Board Meeting (all Missionaries are strongly encouraged to attend)
Mission Briefing, Sunday lunch and afternoon.
Annual Mission Opening Dinner
Monday Briefing with CBP - all CBP issues and programs impacting brokers and forwarders.
Federal Maritime Commission, FDA, leaders of major DC trade associations
Off-the-Record Dinner with senior government officials -- always a special event.
Tuesday Breakfast at the Capitol Hill Club, then Day in the Senate and House of Representatives
PCC Missionaries fan out over Capitol Hill to take our messages to the staff and Members of the California, Oregon and Washington Congressional Delegations.
Mission Wrap Up – Tuesday 5 PM, we review what we learned and the challenges ahead
Flying to DC. Fly into Reagan (DCA) -- considerable savings in time and money once you are on the ground. From Reagan, you are ten minutes and a $13 cab ride from The Wharf. (Dulles and BWI are $75 to $90 taxi.) Alaska Airlines flies non-stop into Reagan from LAX, PDX, SFO and SEA. United and American also.
Information? PCC Counsel, Peter Friedmann, OurManInDC@federalrelations.com. For hotel and registration matters: Rachel Hunn, rachel@federalrelations.com